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2002 Marks PopArtsPlace.com's first year to cover Dragon*Con.
PopArtsPlace.com's mission is to explore all things Popular Arts related, and to share it with those web savvy folks who are interested. A wonderful part of our culture is the conventions we hold where people with common interests can gather and share what they love. Last year we began exploring these conventions and sharing them with folks. We attended a small intimate convention in Plano, Texas, and the significantly larger San Diego Comic Con, showing two ends of the spectrum. This year we add Dragon*Con to our list. A convention reputed to be more of a mid-range in terms of attendance, but no convention is deemed to be particularly better or worse in content, just different based on the different size and venue.
Babylon 5 Cast Reunion
Dragon*Con 2002 Announcements
Enterprise: The Verdict Panel at Dragon*Con 2002
Ethan Phillips and Armin Shimmerman at Dragon*Con
First Time Impression of Dragon*Con
Nichelle Nicholls
PopArtsPlace.com Reprints 2002 Dargon*Con Guest List
Robert Picardo
Star Trek The Next Generation Guest Stars
Stargate Panel
Tip the Site
Traci Lords at Dragon*Con
Twelve Years of Robot Battles at Dragon
Why are photos for sale
So, let us began with a simple question -- what is Dragon*Con?
America's Largest SF and Popular Arts Convention
(ATLANTA, GA) -- Dragon*Con 2002 will be held over the Labor Day weekend, August 30-September 2 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta and Atlanta Marriott Marquis in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Dragon*Con is America's largest annual convention for fans of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror, Comics and Art, Games and Computers, Animation, Science, Music, Television and Films. It is also one of the 10 largest annual conventions in metropolitan Atlanta.
Every year, Dragon*Con hosts over 600 hours of panels, workshops, demonstrations and discussions with authors, editors, artists, game designers and media personalities. Some individual programming tracks concentrate on specific interests like Star Trek, Star Wars, The X-Files, Xena and Hercules, British and American television, Anne McCaffrey's Pern, NASA Space Science, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, JRR Tolkien's Middle-Earth and Electronic Frontiers.
Dragon*Con also presents theatrical and radio performances, concerts and dances, gaming tournaments, costume contests, the 13th Annual Robot Battles, auctions and charity events, plus one of the nation's best Art Shows & Print Shops, one of the largest Dealers Rooms & Exhibit Halls in the world, and 24 hour Video and Film Rooms.
There is a complete track of programming for children 7-12 years of age. TLC Sitters of Atlanta, Inc., a professional daycare service, will provide childcare for children age 18 months through 6 years old. Dragon*Con supports equal-access and provides on-site assistance for all who have a disability or handicap.
Advance ticket purchase prices are $50 to 5/15/2002, $60 to 7/15/2002, $75 thereafter and at-the-door beginning August 30th. Discounts are available to groups of 10 or more if purchased in advance. Dragon*Con membership covers all four days, all panels, discussion groups, events, demonstrations, concerts, performances, contests, and a host of other activities. Memberships are available by mail, online via PayPal, or at the convention.
The convention office address is:
P.O. Box 16459
Atlanta, Georgia 30321-9998
More information about guests, events,
workshops and services can be found at www.dragoncon.org.
Another Decade of San Diego Comic-Con Coverage: