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Webposted: September 5, 2002
By: Kay Kellam

The Babylon 5 Cast Reunion started off with Peter Jurasik, Andrea Thompson, Stephen Austin on stage and Andreas Katsulus sitting alongside them and seeming to be at the helm as well.

20 minutes later Julie Caitlin Brown came in with apologies... she had stayed up until 2:30 a.m. at the Jefferson Starship concert - which Andrea Thompson admitted she had been at until all hours as well - because she didn't want to be out done by a pregnant woman (Julie Caitlin Brown is 6.5 months pregnant, and she declared quite proudly that she and her husband couldn't be happier.) A few minutes later David Allen Brooks (Max from Crusade) came in trying to figure out why he was on a Babylon 5 Cast reunion panel when he had starred on Crusade and not truly worked with most of these people.

Again a lot of questions were not related to the show or characters - though Peter Jurasik and Andreas Katsulus clearly have fun verbally poking one another in the side as often as possible, and had the audience in stitches for the hours, but the best question of the hour must have been "how did your parents react to your becoming an actor." Andreas Katsulus deadpanned, "They're dead."

Julie Caitlin Brown said she had played so many lesbians etc that her parents were thrilled when she remarried and got pregnant again. (She has a son who I believe is about 18 years old.)

David Allen Brooks may well have had the best answer. He said he and his father still don't talk about that decision - but he did find out a while after he had left home and started working that his father was actually bragging to his friends "That's my boy." In the end, tough though the decision to go on this difficult path must have been, it seemed each was thrilled when they reached a point in their careers where their parents were proud of them. (Or as one put it, just relieved they were fairly normal when off stage.)

One audience member had heard that Peter Jurasik felt Andreas Katsulus kind of faded away while he was in the make-up chair, and G'Kar took his place for the rest of the day, Andreas denied it vehemently and claimed it was just because he was in his make-up and no one could see his face so they assumed that he was getting into character when in reality his mind was drifting off.

I would highly recommend going to any panel with Peter Jurasik and Andreas Katsulus teamed up together. Those two were hilarious! Going back and forth at times seeming almost unaware they had an audience for their antics!

** As a side note, Jason Carter and Richard Biggs were also in attendance at Dragon*Con and did their fair share of entertaining, but they had to leave Sunday evening and were unable to attend Dragon*Con Monday, which I believe to be the only reason they were not part of this panel.

(C) Kay Kellam, 2001 for
Prior to having her first novel, A Life to Di For, published author Kay Kellam enjoyed a variety of jobs that helped to shape her outlook on the world, and her profession.   more...

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