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Webposted: March 28, 2002
by: Kay Kellam

    Some assignments sound like more fun than others.  Reviewing a post apocalyptic show having heard rumors Showtime did not want to air it too soon after Sept 11 because of concerns over reaction to a show they had been working on since early 2001 was one of those assignments that didn't sound like much fun.

    If they were worried about airing it I was worried about viewing it.

    I was wrong -- but they were right.

    Jeremiah is a show that takes place 16 years after the "big death" which killed everyone "over the age of innocence" on the planet.  But we are not watching people die from some mystery disease, surprisingly enough I found myself viewing a show of hope.  Watching characters strive for a better future.

    The fear, chaos and pandemonium that would immediately follow such an event is in the past, we are 16 years after the initial horror surrounded by characters who have for the most part figured out how they are going to go on.

    Each week we come face to face with a new "city" though with gasoline also a thing of the past communities lie very close together physically, and yet worlds apart in most other respects.

    Jeremiah is a believer... and Kurdy is a person who needs a purpose -- in the first episode he flat out tells Jeremiah "I need a plan.  You always have a plan.  So you just tell me what the plan is... and I'll back you up."  It is this unlikely pair who need one another simply to have a reason to keep getting through the day who take us through each episode.

    It is a true pleasure to watch Luke Perry (Jeremiah) and Malcolm-Jamal Warner (Kurdy) play off each other, and go on this great adventure.  They have joined up with a group of people who live at "the end of the world" and they are searching for a place called "Valhalla Sector" which holds answers for Jeremiah personally and perhaps the world at large.

    My estimation of this show?  For now at least, it's enough to get me to pay for Showtime!

(C) Kay Kellam, 2001 for
Prior to having her first novel, A Life to Di For, published author Kay Kellam enjoyed a variety of jobs that helped to shape her outlook on the world, and her profession.   more...


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