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Webposted: April 2003
By: Kay Kellam
Black Sash premiered March 30 at 10 pm Central, 11 Eastern and Pacific... if that is not a bad sign of what is to come I don't know what is. A show the revolves predominantly around teens -- and a preteen has been tossed in for future potential, premiering at such a late hour on a Sunday night is, to say the least, odd.
Then the show moved to 8 central, 9 E/P and there was hope that this show would be allowed to find it's audience and survive. But after only 4 episodes it is becoming hard to find on the schedule, and seems destined for a less than ideal fate.
The true shame of it all is that this is one of the few shows to come out recently with compelling characters... teens that even those of us past our teen years had potential in finding interesting, and action scenes that while not fantastic, added an element of fun, and potentially even danger/risk to your basic teen melodrama.
Those of us who want a show set outside a high school found something wonderful here, and those still in High School found characters they could easily relate to. The mentor had a compelling story -- a reason to want to mentor these teens, and in just 4 episodes we found good reasons for all but one of these teens to be turning to this mentor, and in another few episodes I'm sure that last teens story will be divulged just as subtly and yet create just as much interest.
Give it more time and this could turn out to be a huge hit for the WB -- that is, if the WB is willing to give it the time to develop into a hit!
Ways to help Black Sash come back for another season?
Some times the networks just don't know a great show with an amazing cast when they have one -- which means it is time for the fans to make their voices heard! Below you'll find ways to help get he word out about Black Sash -- and hopefully get the word back to the WB that this is a show you will tune in to week after week -- as will I!
Send an e-card through the WB site -- you'd think they'd notice the stats on that page going up and up and up!
And now that the Black Sash Page is back up -- go visit it, and often!
Send a postcard to the powers that be and let them know you
like the show!
Black Sash Postcards can be found here
with the back here
Or Click here and we'll send you an invitation to Join the WB Street Team where you can post messages on the Black Sash forum letting the WB know that you joined because of Black Sash!
And while it may not be an active step in the fight to make sure Black Sash Stays on the air... swing by Black Sash Online and chat with other fans about the show you adore!
And our final stop on this informal web tour... the official website of actor Corey Sevier
(C) Kay
Kellam, 2001 for
Prior to having her first novel, A
Life to Di For, published author Kay
Kellam enjoyed a variety of jobs that helped to shape her outlook on the
world, and her profession. more...