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In the beginning -- aka looking back on Season 1.
In the beginning there was a skeptic, me. I probably wasn't the only one, but I was willing to admit I was one, and sometimes that single confession can get you a long ways from safe ground.
one of Gene Roddenberry's ideas, grabbing the name from a different one, tossing
in Hercules and off we go. It sounded, to say the least, like a mish
mash. But I tuned it. I was never much of a Hercules viewer, mostly
because I have a degree in Classical Civilization and would get frustrated by
the artistic license writers felt free to take. A politically correct
Hercules was no where near as much fun as the guy who fathered 50 kids by 50
sisters in one night, and could still stand the next day! Instead on
screen he ran from them pleading, but I don't love you. And he couldn't
outrun a bunch of girls so he had to face up to them in the end! But
Hercules was a different show, so I decided to view Kevin Sorbo as a new
man. He dropped weight, got a hair cut, though many didn't note the
difference, and he was ready to go.
Add a supporting cast full of aliens, as well as your everyday ordinary human, weak human, and super human and things are ready to rock and roll.
Oh, wait, first you have to steal a ship that's been dead in the water for 300 years on the verge of self-annihilation because it's about to fall off the edge of the seemingly flat galaxy (yes, yes, the show did explain it all much better than that... sort of) and things are now ready to rock and roll.
If I sound skeptical, well, I told you up front I was, but, having said all that, I've grown to really like this crew. Things don't always make perfect sense -- but things do have repercussions and consequences. Grave robbers aren't soon forgiven, and drug addicts are reminded from time to time that staying clean and sober may not be easy, but it is very worthwhile. And I tuned in for all of season one, and as season 2 begins I'll keep tuning in for more.