

Unite in an attempt to bring you great content about all avenues of creativity & popular arts!  

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...Is this site live or what?

Post Sept 11...

In the wake of Sept 11 we decided launching our site in Mid September 2001 was... unwise.  The world wide web was a tool for staying informed about world events at that .. time, as always, but we felt that world events was where people's attention was, and where it should be.  So we have opted to delay by one year.  With the 2002 season you will find this site up and running at full speed, and a new season will bring a new source for Pop Arts Information.  That said we are adding tidbits of information now, to help spread the word that we are coming!

As you might have noticed, we are answering questions as they come up on the home page, and with good reason -- this site is scheduled to go up gradually as the new Television Season in the United States begins -- and by December we hope to go live in a major way.  Studios are currently sending us information -- as we are one of the few sites currently displaying season 2 cast photos for Andromeda, as just one example of what we are out to do.  Help the studios get information to you -- the viewer!

We are adding content daily, and always welcome input on how to make the site the best it can be when it is up and live.  So, the pages are up on the web and available for viewing... but the site is not "live."   What does that mean in our vernacular?  It's not yet on the search engines, we are not yet  monitoring traffic -- or soliciting it.  You are in on the ground floor of something new, and hope you will want to contribute to its success.

The question of the hour:
Many people have e-mailed to ask why we are slowly but steadily posting our coverage of the San Diego Comic Con where lots of other sites rushed to get it up as quickly as possible.  The answer is relatively simple... we are not out to scoop all the other websites and make announcements before they can in this section -- it is our goal to take our visitors to con with us.  We want you to feel as though you know what the experience of the San Diego Comic Con is, and perhaps this section of our site will help you determine if you might want to go next year. 

That said, other parts of our site are designed to get information out to you in a very timely manner.  Our In the News section is for current announcements and upcoming adventures.

In light of the events of Sept 11 a lot of things have come into question -- but the one thing we at Pop Arts Place are sure of is the simple fact that the world has pulled together in light of the tragedies. 
