The listings on this site are based on the personal experiences of celiacs who have eaten at the restaurants. Please keep in mind that there are frequent changes in staff and procedures at all restaurants, so we cannot guarantee that the information remains accurate. Please use this listing as a guide to restaurants that are celiac friendly and take the information provided here as a basis to ask your own personal questions regarding your specific needs.

Info for Celiacs
and Gluten Intollerant
Eating in Austin, TX

Submit a Restaurant

basic entree < $10

$11 - $20

$21 - $30

$31 - $40

$40 & up

Always read the date
of the post especially
in the archives, and be
aware information changes on a regular basis.

This is a guide, not a promise though we wish it could be.

CD =
Celiac Disease
GF =
Gluten Free
CF =
Casein Free
DH =
Dermatitis Herpetiformis

~ Wednesday, January 18, 2006
San Paio
Brunet Road
Part of Town: North
Phone: 512-791-5875
Type of food: Brazilian, Seafood

opening early February

Recommended Items: They are just opening with a new menu in early February. You can eat outside in the spring and fall........very lovely place and the owner, you have her cell phone listed, is understanding of gluten issues. I will update this more later. Aralyn

more locations:
They moved from University area, there are no other restaurants in their chain so to speak. On my birthday 3 people took me to lucnh and I went there each time, in their own location. I have not reason to believe it won't be fabulous, but they are in the Rosedale area of Austin, not far from Central Market on Burnet Road, just north of 45th St.

This recommendation thanks to Aralyn Hughes

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